Error Handling In Go

Error Handling In Go

In Go, error handling differs from other programming languages in that it doesn't rely on shipping explicit error messages. Instead, Go utilizes the concept of returning multiple values, where the first value represents the expected or appropriate value, and the second value is typically reserved for an error, if any. By convention, if the second value (error) is nil, it indicates that the function executed successfully without encountering any errors. Conversely, a non-nil error value signifies that something went wrong during the function's execution.

Here's an example to illustrate this convention in Go:

package main 
import (

func Divide(a, b int) (int, error) {
    if b == 0 {
        return 0, fmt.Errorf("division by zero")
    return a / b, nil

func main() {
    result, err := Divide(10, 0)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("Error:", err)
    } else {
        fmt.Println("Result:", result)

Error Messages In Go

In Go, if an error occurs during the execution of a function, it is conventionally returned as a non-nil value named "err".

For instance, let's consider the Open() function from the os package:

func Open(name string) (file *File, err error)

In the above function signature, Open takes a file name as input and returns two values: a *File object representing the opened file and an err of type error indicating any potential error that occurred during the operation.

To handle the error returned by the os.Open function, Go provides a concise and idiomatic syntax using the assignment operator (:=).

f, err := os.Open("filename.ext")
if err != nil {
// Continue with operations on the open *File 'f'

In the above code snippet, we attempt to open the file "filename.ext" using os.Open. The returned values, the opened file f and the error err, are assigned using the := syntax.

If no error occurs, the program proceeds to execute the subsequent code, allowing you to perform operations on the open *File f.

Error Data Type

An error is a interface data type. An interface in Go represents a set of method signatures, defining the names, input parameters, and return values of those methods.

The error interface is a built-in interface in Go that is defined as follows:

type error interface {
    Error() string

As seen above, the error interface contains a single method called Error(), which takes no parameters and returns a string. Any type that implements this method is considered to satisfy the error interface and can be used as an error value in Go.

To create a custom error use the errorString data type, which is a composite type created using structs and can be found in the errors package. Here is an example of its implementation:

// errorString is a trivial implementation of error.
type errorString struct {
    s string

func (e *errorString) Error() string {
    return e.s

The errorString struct is a basic implementation of the error interface. It has a single field s of type string, and the Error() method returns the value of that field, satisfying the error interface.

To create a custom error message, the errors.New() function is commonly used. It takes a string parameter and returns an error value of type *errorString.

// New returns an error that formats as the given text.
func New(text string) error {
    return &errorString{text}

By invoking errors.New() with the desired error message, a new error value is created and returned.

When printing error messages, Go provides two common options: fmt.Println() and fmt.Errorf(). The former is used to simply print the error message, while the latter allows for more informative error messages, including details about the invalid argument.

if f < 0 {
    return 0, fmt.Errorf("math: square root of negative number %g", f)

In the above code snippet, if the value of f is negative, an error is created using fmt.Errorf() which formats the error message as "math: square root of negative number" followed by the actual value of f.

For more detailed error messages, developers can create custom error values, allowing for type-specific error values and methods. This enables them to handle errors in a more specialized and targeted manner.

Defer, Panic and Recover

Deferred statements in Go are a feature that allows developers to specify certain statements to be executed after the parent function returns. These statements are added to a list, and their execution follows the First In Last Out (FILO) principle.

When a deferred statement is encountered in Go, it is not executed immediately. Instead, it is added to a stack-like structure. The deferred statements are then executed in reverse order, with the last statement added being executed first and the first statement added being executed last. This behavior is based on the FILO principle, where the last item pushed onto the stack is the first one to be popped off.

The typical use case for deferred statements is to ensure that certain cleanup or finalization tasks are performed after a function has finished its execution, regardless of whether the function completed successfully or encountered an error. Examples of such tasks include closing files, releasing resources, or unlocking mutexes.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

    defer fmt.Println("Deferred Statement 1")
    defer fmt.Println("Deferred Statement 2")
    defer fmt.Println("Deferred Statement 3")


In the above code, three deferred statements are added using the defer keyword. They are added in the reverse order of their appearance, with "Deferred Statement 1" being the first statement added and "Deferred Statement 3" being the last.

When the main function is executed, the output will be as follows:



Deferred Statement 3

Deferred Statement 2

Deferred Statement 1

A panic occurs in Go when a program encounters an unexpected failure or when errors are not handled gracefully. Go provides panic recovery through the use of deferred functions that execute just before the main function block returns.

The panic keyword is a built-in function in Go that halts the normal flow of control and initiates panicking up the call stack until it reaches the original function call in the goroutine.

The recover function is used to regain control of a panicking goroutine. It is typically used as a deferred statement, allowing the panic to be stopped and a value to be returned while allowing the program flow to continue.

package main

import "fmt"

func recoverFromPanic() {
    if r := recover(); r != nil {
        fmt.Println("Recovered from panic:", r)

func doSomething() {
    defer recoverFromPanic()

    fmt.Println("Performing some task...")
    panic("Oops! Something went wrong!")

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Program continues after panic")

In the above code, the doSomething function is called from the main function. Within doSomething, a deferred function recoverFromPanic is registered using the defer keyword.

When the code encounters the panic statement with the message "Oops! Something went wrong!", it triggers a panic and transfers control to the nearest deferred recover statement. In this case, it calls the recoverFromPanic function.

The recoverFromPanic function checks if a panic occurred by calling recover(). If a panic did occur, it receives the panic value and prints a message indicating the recovery.

After the panic is recovered, the program flow continues, and the message "Program continues after panic" is printed.

By using the combination of panic, defer, and recover, Go provides a mechanism to handle unexpected failures and gracefully recover from panics, allowing developers to control the flow of their programs even in error scenarios.


When working on error handling in Go, it is important to follow certain conventions and best practices.

By default, error values in Go are returned as nil unless an actual error occurs during the execution of a function or operation. This allows for explicit handling of errors and promotes a clean and concise code flow.

To write error messages effectively, it is recommended to use lowercase letters and avoid including punctuation at the end of the error message. This standardizes error messages across the codebase and enhances readability.

For providing additional context and information about errors, Go developers can utilize the fmt.Errorf() function along with the %w formatting tag. This allows for wrapping errors and including the stack trace, enabling better debugging and tracing of error origins.

By adhering to these conventions, Go programmers can create meaningful error messages, handle errors gracefully, and maintain consistent error handling practices across their code. This helps improve code quality, facilitates debugging, and enhances the overall robustness of the applications they develop.




Picture credits:

Science mistake Gopher by @egonelbre (